ISF: Importer Security Filing

An Importer Security Filing (ISF), commonly known as a “10+2,” is a Customs Border Patrol (CBP) filing that documents importing information and details as goods move from point to point. Importers who fail to correctly file the ISF prior to the shipment of their goods can be fined. The ISF must be sent at least 24 hours before an ocean shipment departs for the United States.

Who is responsible for ISF filing?

The ultimate responsibility for Importer Security Filing falls on the importer of record (IOR). However, it is not unusual for the IOR to delegate this important task to a Customs Broker or other logistics service provider.

 Key Takeaways

    • What does ISF stand for? Importer Security Filing, sometimes referred to as a “10+2,” a Customs Border Patrol (CBP) filing that documents importing information and details as goods move from point to point.

When and why is filing ISF needed?

Only ocean vessel imports are affected by the ISF requirement. It has no effect on cargo imports entering the United States via other means of transportation.


What goes in my ISF?

To get imports approved, importers must work efficiently and meet all compliance requirements. ISF importers or their agents must supply eight data elements no later than 24 hours before cargo is loaded into a vessel bound for the United States. Those data elements including:

  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • Importer of record number/FTZ application identification number
  • Consignee number
  • Manufacturer
  • Ship to party
  • Country of origin
  • Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) number

Failure to submit ISF within the specified time will result in a $5,000 fine per violation. As a result, the shipment may be held back, stopped for inspection, and delayed. The following are a few more basics of ISF filings:

  • All ISF filings are done digitally.
  • Before products can ship in US ports, they must be corrected.
  • Only the party submitting the filing has the authority to make revisions.

How much does it cost to file an ISF?

An ISF filing fee will normally cost between $30 and $50. However, you will very certainly be required to purchase an ISF bond as well. A customs broker would frequently combine the two to charge a fee of around $150 to $180.

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