VIN Decoder
VIN Decoder by Magaya streamlines the export of vehicles by enabling you to enter the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) into your Magaya system and automatically obtain vehicle data, saving you time and eliminating costly errors.

Save several minutes per vehicle compared to manually searching and obtain all relevant information with ease.

Automatically obtain vehicle data once the VIN code is added, and all information will be added to the Magaya system.

VIN decoder can be used by your customer when sending an online Pickup Request to view all information regarding the vehicle.

By entering or scanning the VIN, the decoder will auto-populate data such as year, make, and model of the vehicle.
Master RORO Shipping With a Comprehensive Suite of Solutions to Save You Time and Money
From the POA to the Letter of Intent, do you find yourself bogged down with tons of paperwork? Are you tired of manual data entry of car details that can be prone to errors, like keying in VIN numbers? Are you able to automatically add vehicle images to your system of record? Do customers continuously call or send an onslaught of emails wanting to know where their cargo is at all times, especially as port congestion continues to delay shipments around the world? If you are faced with these day-to-day struggles, let Magaya help you work smarter, not harder, with a comprehensive suite of solutions for RORO vehicle shipping.

Process Vehicles for Shipment Faster and More Accurately
The VIN Decoder was created as a service for vehicle shippers to avoid mistakes and increase efficiency. To learn more about this product and how it works with Magaya, contact us today!