EEI Filing: Electronic Export Information
The electronic declaration of goods leaving the United States for export to a foreign country is known as Electronic Export Information (EEI). All ITAR-controlled items and some EAR-controlled items must be shipped with an EEI. The Automated Export System of the Census Bureau is used to submit an EEI. Information on the sender, receiver, and commodities being exported, including an export control classification number, are all included in the EEI.
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Does my shipment require an EEI?
Only if the entire cargo is priced at more than $2,500 per Schedule B or if an export license is necessary, the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) who is sending the items through the U.S. Postal Service is obliged to file the EEI. The ITN or exemption citation must be delivered by the exporter to the post office.
Key Takeaways
What, exactly, is an EEI, or Electronic Export Information?
- An EEI is the electronic declaration of goods leaving the United States for export to a foreign country, also referred to as Electronic Export Information.
- All ITAR-controlled items and some EAR-controlled items must be shipped with an EEI.
- Typically, shipments from the US to Canada are exempt and do not require an EEI.
How do I fill in my EEI?
Good question! Let’s start with who should fill out your EEI. Although you can file the EEI yourself, the U.S. exporter or their designated agent is normally the U.S. Principal Party in Interest. Even if the filing is given to another party, the exporter is still ultimately responsible for its accuracy. Depending on the mode of transportation, the filing must typically be completed between one and 24 hours before the actual export of the shipment. If any of the following conditions apply, the EEI must be filled out:
- Delivery of a single item or package worth more than $2,500. (Note: Shipments from the United States to Canada are not subject to this regulation.)
- Regardless of its worth, the consignment contains goods for which an export license or permission is necessary.
- Regardless of price, the goods must adhere to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).
- When self-propelled vehicles are being shipped.
- When exporting “600 series” items (i.e., those on the Commerce Control List (CCL) that were once restricted on the United States Munitions List (USML).
- Strategic Trade Authorization (STA), an exclusion for exports made under a license.
What are some rules and regulations for EEI?
On its official website, the United States government offers comprehensive information, but we’ll give a summary of the laws and policies governing EEI filing here:
- You must acquire a Schedule B number. What is in the package is identified by a Schedule B number. This maintains the highest level of organization for the electronic export data.
- Businesses that engage in international trade frequently use electronic export information. However, for border safety, some personal packages also need an export authorization. After that, you must submit your electronic export data.
- The ITN must be given to your shipment courier as well. The total value of your shipment includes the cost of shipping. This includes: Your box, Postage, International fees, and other costs.
- Your shipment may be worth $2,000 in total. But if the transportation costs total at least $500, you’ll need to get your export permit.
- Electronic export information is not typically required for packages going to Canada. In most cases, an ITN is not required. The website of the United States Census Bureau lists more exemptions.
- At the end of the day, using .gov websites to find comprehensive information about how to file your EEI is crucial. A secure website that you can trust with sensitive information is one that ends in “.gov,” which denotes an official government institution.
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